May 2021
The purpose of this article is to attempt to answer the question of whether skimmers and identify theft are a serious threat or a minor inconvenience. The issue under consideration is whether skimming can be construed to be a victimless crime or a crime where the damages are insufficient for...
Procurement performance is a backbone of organizational performance since it contributes to the competitive purchase and acquisition of quality goods that put the organization's products or services on the competitive edge in the market. However, on several occasions, poor procurement activities...
Technological advancement derived from research developments, technical knowledge, and tools independent of product and service initiatives is shaping the world. It is a crucial factor for organizational success. Uber is GPS based peer-to-peer transportation service network which provides a...
The adoption and practice of Treasury Single Account in Nigeria public financial management system represents one of the plausible measures initiated by Muhammadu Buhari administration to revamp and bolster optimal performance of revenue governance in Nigeria. However, the practice of the...
Organizational sustainability appears to be the end-goal among organizations which includes the cooperative industry. They are exploring means to guarantee that their organizations will last long to continually provide them their needs and assist them increase their income. This industry serves...
Availability of clean potable water is rare in all the places. Same is the case in the state of Andhra Pradesh. The state is rich of hard rock's formations ranging in age from Archaean to Recent. These rocks are enriched with harmful elements of fluorine, lead, tungsten etc, The occurrence and...
L’intervention de l’État dans l’économie nécessite que ce dernier dispose des moyens financiers conséquents pour atteindre les objectifs du développement. Aussi faut-il ajouter que l’État peut utiliser plusieurs moyens pour financer ses dépenses : les emprunts, les dons, les impôts et les taxes...
Le Droit Comptable OHADA trouve son fondement d'une part, dans la recherched'informations financières fiables et pertinentes et d'autre part, dans la nécessité de fairede la comptabilité un outil de développement et d'intégration économiques dans l'espaceOHADA. C'est l'illustration de la volonté...
BACKGROUND: MRI is basically non invasive imaging technology which gives us three dimensional anatomical images MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) provides us detailed images of body soft tissues. It is used for the detection of disease, diagnosis and monitoring treatment. There...