October 2022
Introduction: Depuisl'avènement du traitementantirétroviral (TARV) hautementactif on assiste à un passage à la chronicité VIH/SIDA avec amélioration de la qualité de vie des personnes vivant avec le virus de l’immunodéficiencehumaine (PVVIH) liée à une diminution des affections...
The flow’s elements were formulated by Mihály Csíkszentmihályi (1975). People who have experienced flow have reported that there is nothing but the activity that engages them. The feeling of flow occurs during an activity that requires preparation, has clear goals, and provides immediate...
Urbanization plays a key social function of education through provision of educational institutions and services. The understanding of urban functions is the basis for the optimization of urban spatial structure and for the sustainable development of urban space. The goal of this study was to...
Increasing quantity in parallel with increasing quality is the goal of the agricultural industry to meet market demand. In the context that Vietnam needs to strictly implement the commitments of the Free Trade Agreements, for Vietnam's agricultural products to be accepted in international...
The proper evaluation staging of liver fibrosis is important for treatment such as begin antiviral treatment for patient significant fibrosis of liver (F >2) stop progression to cirrhosis and reverse to normal liver. Liver biopsy is gold standard but invasive method. There are many non-...
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