November 2021
A virus tends to develop a new strain and due to the exceptionality of the anatomy-physiology of respiratory tracts, such trend is more noticeable among the respiratory based pathogenic viruses. Therefore, in our 5th article on COVID-19 issues, we hypothesized that the failure of developing...
Le présent travail consiste à faire une cartographie détaillée de l’érosion hydrique dans les deux bassins versants de l’oued Sekrouna et celui de l’oued Seil. Il s’agit d’une étude comparative entre un bassin versant montagnard (Sekrouna) et un bassin versant de piémont (Seil). Une étude...
The study investigated consequences of youth unemployment after graduation in Anambra state. Three research questions guided the study. Descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study comprised of 52855 registered National Youth Council of Nigeria in...
Les objectifs de la Gécamines en recourant aux partenariats public-privés n’ont pas été atteints globalement, il existe des facteurs endogènes et exogènes qui sont à la base de cette faible performance au sein de la Gécamines. Les données quantitatives et les entretiens recueillis auprès de la...
La zone de libre-échange continentale s’avère une bonne opportunité d’une ouverture du marché non seulement pour la République démocratique du Congo mais aussi pour autres Etats membres de l’Union Africaine adhérant à l’objectif principal d’abolition des barrières tarifaires et non tarifaires et...
Currently, Cordyceps militaris has been overexploited in the wild, so it is very scarce. Therefore, the culture of Cordyceps militaris on synthetic substrates under artificial conditions is essential and has been successfully studied. The results showed that the culture of Cordyceps militaris...
Summary: Heart rate variability (HRV) is a non-invasive electrocardiographic marker that reflects the activity of the sympathetic and vagal components of the autonomic nervous system of the sinoatrial node of the heart [1]. Low heart rate variability indicates a reduction in...
This paper presents a didactic analysis of instrumented practices of 1styear university students around the resolution of differential equations in the Maple environment. This analysis attempts to articulate the anthropological theory of didactics and the instrumental approach to highlight the...
El problema de investigación que se abordó en esta artículo es conocer las representaciones sociales, respecto de la cultura política en la convivencia diaria y las relaciones de poder, que construyen los estudiantes del bachillerato de la SEP de la región oriente de la CDMX, en su encuentro con...
Sub-acute bacterial endocarditis (SABE) has varied manifestations with a few less common presentations like cutaneous vasculitis. We present one such case of a middle aged female who presented with aa painless rash involving both lower extremities. She was later found to have vegetations on...