November 2023
La digitalisation est centre des activitésdans les entreprises. La profession comptable n’est pas épargnée par ces mutations. Dans l’objectif de comprendre les changements apportés par le numérique et qui s’imposent aux acteurs de la comptabilité dans les entreprises, nous avons analysé le cas,...
Revisiting the concepts or thoughts of education that have evolved among the Islamic community, from classical times to contemporary periods, is an immensely important, valuable, and beneficial action. One such contributor is Abul Hasan Ali Hasan Al-Nadwi, who played a significant role in...
Ce document explore l'interaction entre le coopérativisme et les produits de terroirs. Les coopératives, fondées sur des principes de collaboration, de démocratie et de durabilité, jouent un rôle essentiel dans la production de produits de terroirs authentiques. Ces produits contribuent à la...
Action research is commonly used by practitioners and education specialists to evaluate and enhance their pedagogy and practice. This type 1 developmental research aimed to develop instructional material that could help teachers conduct action research. The method entailed using the Missouri...
A decentralized computing architecture known as Fog Computing (FC) distributes data, computational, storage, and applications between the data source and the cloud. As a result, Fog requires less bandwidth and involves less back-and-forth communication between sensors and the cloud, which...
Motivated by a dearth of research on stress, particularly among medical students in Nigeria, the authors attempt to analyse the relationship among Academic stress, Personality, social support, coping mechanisms and mental health of medical students in a medical institution in Ibadan, Nigeria....
Background: The SARS-CoV-2 novel coronavirus was identified in Wuhan, Hubei province of China in December 2019 by the Chinese Center for Disease and Prevention from the throat swab of a patient and the virus is named severe acute respiratory distress CoV-2 by WHO which causes...
L’anémie est la conséquence d’une pathologie pouvant conduire au décès lorsque celle-ci est méconnue. Nous avons réalisé cette étude dont l’objectif général est de déterminer les difficultés liées à la prise en charge des enfants de 0 à 5 ans hospitalisés pour anémie sévère dans le service de...
Compounds containing an azomethine group obtained by condensation of a primary amine and an active carbonyl (CHO or RCOR) group are called "Schiff Base". Schiff bases constitute a special class of compounds used in organic chemistry, biochemistry, physical chemistry and coordination chemistry....
Educational attainment is an important determinant of one’s success. Yet, absenteeism among students jeopardizes their chances of achieving their educational goals. The study examined the factors that contribute to the student's absenteeism and assessed the outcomes of absenteeism on academic...